SOFWERX – Broadcast Dissemination Platform Light (BDP-L) Assessment Event
SOFWERX, in collaboration with SOF Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (SOF AT&L) Tactical Information Systems (TIS), will host an Assessment Event (AE) 21-23 August 2023 to identify solutions for a Broadcast Dissemination Platform Light (BDP-L) that can operate in a land environment conducting Military Information Support Operations (MISO). Configurable capabilities include FM and cellular dissemination and must weigh less than 100 pounds including travel cases.
BDP-L shall be designed to provide broadcast capabilities to support small teams and operational elements and is comprised of a single channel and single band broadcast capability. The BDP-L will be man-portable/man-packable. The white paper should identify what adaptations or modifications to the off-the-shelf system may be required to satisfy all performance attributes. The AE will also consider how much technical risk the proposed adaptations or modifications introduce to the existing off-the-shelf platform.
This assessment solicits white papers to describe off-the-shelf BDP-L systems. The most promising candidates will be invited to virtually demonstrate/present some performance attributes with vendor-provided equipment and operators.
Interested parties (U.S. Persons Only) must submit NLT 04 August 2023 11:59 PM ET.
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