SOF Week – What’s Old Is New
I’ve been questioned quite a bit about why SOFIC is now known as SOF Week. The proper question is, why is it called SOF Week again?
Check out this post from my first month of publishing SSD back in May of 2008. It’s titled “SOF Week” and then goes on to describe things I saw during the Special Operations Forces Industry Conference.
The short answer to why it went from SOF Week to SOFIC and back is vendors. In 2008, SOF Week was managed by a local Tampa company called Meeting Matters Plus. They were the vendor to USSOCOM to host the event and everything was run from their website, registration and all.
Eventually, that transitioned to the National Defense Industrial Association which established the URL Naturally, everyone just started using that acronym, which just rolled off the tongue to describe the event.
When USSOCOM transitioned vendors to host the event again last year, NDIA still owned the URL so it was a good reason to start referring to the week-long event as the traditional SOF Week which better describes where it’s going in the future.
Now, the Global SOF Foundation supports the four-day SOF Week, presenting SOFIC as well as other meetings and seminars.
By the way, SOF Week is next week so if you’re planning to go, you’d better get your schedule in order.
Don’t mind the typos in that post from 2007. We’ve moved servers like five times since then and the site picks up artifacts every time. They are random and only way I find them is to go back and run across them.
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