Like many Midwest states, Minnesota has a rural population problem. In the period from 2010 to 2019, the population of rural areas declined by an average of 276 people per year. To combat this population loss, many small towns and counties in Minnesota started free land programs.
Here’s a list of places in Minnesota where you can get free land, as well as what the requirements are and where to get more info.
Richland is a small city of approximately 1,200 people in Waseca County, Minnesota. They have a free land program where you can get an 86’ x 133’ lot on the northwest side of New Richland.
Requirements for the Free Land Include:
- Must pay some of the costs to develop the land (streets, curb, gutter, water and sewer). These development costs are approximately $25,000 but will be reduced to approximately $14,000, which is payable over a 15-year period
- Must build a home within 1 year of acquiring the land
- Pre-approval letter from lender
You can get more info here
The free land program in Claremont, Minnesota, is very different than those in other parts of the country. Instead of trying to attract wealthy homeowners, their program is only open to working families who make less than $129,000 per year.
Families apply for one of the free lots. If their application is accepted, they will be partnered with a counselor to help them apply for a USDA mortgage.
You can get more info here
Halstad is a small city of 579 residents in Norman County. They have numerous free lots available for people who will build homes on them. In addition to the free lot, the city also provides tax abatements.
There is no connection fee for electric, water, or sewer service, and the city will reimburse costs for the first 75 feet of connecting these utilities.
Requirements for the Free Land Include:
- Submit application to city
- Home must have assessed value of $175,000 or more
- Recipient must occupy home for at least 3 years after completing build
You can get more info here
Argyle is a city of 545 people in Marshall County, Minnesota. They have free lots (see them here) to people who will build a home within one year of acquiring the land. In addition to this, they also have many other housing incentives like deferred interest loans. Learn more about these incentives here.
Middle River
Middle River initiated a free lots program in 2018. There seems to be at least four more lots available. The lots are 100’ x 300’ and include two years of free water and sewer service as well as free electric hookup. The program is only open to people who make below a certain income per year.
Requirements for the Free Land Include:
- Minimum 1,500 square feet home
- Annual income less than $93,100 for family of two or $107,000 for a family of three
Get more info here
Duluth – No Longer Available
The city of Duluth had a content in 2019 which gave away free lots to people who could come up with creative ways to build low-cost homes on the small lots while still following setback rules. The program is no longer available.